Sunday, 23 October 2011

excusions make you paranoid

rules to remember on a excursion:
  1. The nice excursion people probably won't try to kill you
  2. Just cause they separate you into two groups, doesn't mean they'll try to kill you.
  3. Just cause they have bombs, doesn't mean they'll kill you
  4. Just cause they have a pond that looks like you could drown in it, doesn't mean they'll kill you.
  5. Just cause they have gas chambers, doesn't mean they'll kill you
  6.  Just cause they have enormously tall gate that NO ONE could climb over, doesn't mean they'll try to kill you
  7. It is always best to have an escape plan, just in case they try to kill you. It would help if you know how to drive a car.
It also helps if the guy you're hanging out with for the day cause your friend thats a girl is in the other group, is not as, if not more, paranoid than you.

(In the end, they didn't kill us. But I think they knew we knew they knew we knew that they would try to kill us, so they didn't, to prove us wrong)

1 comment:

  1. What excursion would this be? Sounds like a concentration camp or something lol. (Okay, the idea of concentration camps is not "lol", but you know what I mean!)
