Thursday, 29 September 2011

I was bored. nuff said

L- Mildred! Where are you????
N- Weren’t you meant to meet her at a restaurant two hours ago?
L- Yeah, I did. We decided to play Hide and Seek. She hid, and I haven’t found her yet.
K- Oh. Well maybe she went to Egypt?  I always wanted to go to Egypt. They have pyramids and lots of dead people in the ground. *gasp* maybe they killed Mildred!
L- Mildred wouldn’t go to Egypt, cause she said ‘I am not going to be in Egypt, so don’t look there’
K- Oh. I wanted to go to Egypt.
N- We’re GOING to Egypt.
L- No, we’re not
N- Dude, she told you she wouldn’t be there so you wouldn’t go there! That’s practically the oldest trick in the book! How dumb are you?
L- I am not dumb! Okay, fine we’ll go to Egypt. She won’t be there though!
K- Yay! Egypt! Pyramids! Dead people! EW.
F walks in  
F- Egypt, huh? Well, I have no wish to go there, but Mildred owes me money, so I suppose I shall have to go and retrieve it.
N- What does she owe you money for?
F- I ‘escorted’ her to an ‘after party’
K- What kind of after party? My brother went to an after party once.
F- No particular kind of after party.
L- Okay, cool
N- Let’s go to the air port now
K- Look, we’re at the airport!
J is sitting at a desk
L- Remind me why we’re at the airport?
N- We’re going to Egypt.
F- I’m getting the money Mildred owes me.
N- We should get on a plane. Excuse me sir, we would like to go to Egypt?
J- I’m afraid there are no planes to Egypt for three weeks, as the last one crashed.
L- Oh look! A plane! It says it’s going to Egypt!
K- Let’s get on the plane!
N- But we don’t have tickets!
J- No one cares, just get on the plane
L- You look strangely like Mildred......
J- Oh, dear, well I’m not Mildred. My name is Mildredania.
L- Okay, bye!
J disappears
K- Look! We’re on the plane. Look! We’re in Egypt!
N- We should go see a pyramid!
K- Look! We’re at a pyramid!
L- She’s not gonna be here!
*bad singing*
L- Its Mildred! She’s in the pyramid!
K- How do we get in the pyramid?
N- No idea.
K- Look! A button on the side of the pyramid! I wonder what will happen if I press the button?
*presses button*
K- Oh look. A secret door. Boring.
N- Awesome! A secret door!
L- Shut up Fred. I’m coming Mildred!!!!!
K- Shouldn’t we go in the door?
N- Probably.
K- Look! We’re in the pyramid looking for Mildred!
L- Miiiiiiildred!
F leaves
K- We have been looking for over an hour. *gasp* Why is Fred kissing a girl behind a piece of paper?
N- Creepy
F- Hey, we’re busy, go away!
*bad singing*
L- Mildred!
L runs off
J- Hi everybody, I am Fred’s girlfriend from Spain!
K- Hi! We’re in a pyramid!
J- I know, that is so cool!
N- We should go find Luke before he does something stupid.
F- Come on, girlfriend from Spain! Er, what’s your name again?
J- Joe.
F- I like girlfriend from Spain better.
J- Oh.
They run off
J- Bye!
K- Bye!
N- Let’s go look for Luke, he might be dead.
K- Okay!
L (offstage) - Mildred, where are you!
K- But if he is bones, I will run away.
L walks on
L- Mildred is here somewhere! I heard her singing!
Mildred walks in
L- Mildred!
N- We’ll leave you two alone.....
K and N leave
J- Luke? You b*tch!
L- What did I do?
J- You made me play hide and seek! I wanted to play musical chairs! But Noooooo.....
L- You can’t play musical chairs with two people! Hide and seek can be played with any number of people!
J- No one cares about hide and seek!
L- I care!
J- You have five minutes to write your will.
L- Huh?
J- I will kill you, in four minutes and 55 seconds.
L tries to run, and J chases after him
F- Please, let’s just talk about this!
J- No, it’s OVER, b*tch! I’m not the girlfriend from Spain anymore! I’m not even Spanish! Goodbye Flred. And just to tell you? You S*CK at after parties!
J runs off
F- What? NOOOOO!!! Not AGAIN!
*pulls out phone*
F-Hi, is this girlfriend’s from Spain? Yes, this is Fred. I would like to hire a new girlfriend. What! $100 dollars a minute! What do you mean, I don’t treat them nicely? Just cause this is my 28th girlfriend from Spain. What? They’d have to be insane to want to be the 29th?? B*tch. I’m calling girlfriends from France. Have a horrible life.
*hangs up*
N and K come in
N- 28th girlfriend from Spain?
K- You must have been really horrible to them.
F- I still can’t believe she said I was bad at after parties! Maybe it’s cause she doesn’t like Bananas in Pyjamas?
N- Um, what?
F- Last after party, we watched bananas in pyjamas, while making pizza and having sandwiches.
N- Riiiiiight. That’s totally what you did.
K- Bananas in pyjamas? Aren’t they those weird yellow tall people with creep faces that chase teddy bears on Tuesday? No wonder the girlfriend from Spain ditched you. B1 and B2 are so stupid, they must have taken classes!
N- Yeah, they’re weird. Dude, shouldn’t we go see check on Mildred and Luyke?
L (from offstage) – ahhhhh! Don’t kill me Mildred!!!
K- one sec. Fred, can I borrow your phone?
F- Yah, sure
*gives k phone*
K- Let’s see.... recently called..... Girlfriends from Spain..... Right.  Excuse me? Is this girlfriends from Spain? I’m calling to offer you a deal. You get to torture Floyd, if you can save this guy from his evil er, sister, Mildred. Okay, great. Bye!
 *hangs up*
K- Fred, wait here. The new girlfriend from Spain will be here soon.
K and N go to find L
L- Wow, that was so weird. All these weird girls came and attacked Mildred. They took her that way, saying something about her being someone’s new girlfriend and finally getting revenge?
N- Yeah, we know. Can we go home now? I mean, we found Mildred.
K- But we’re in Egypt!!!
N- Yeah, so?
K- EGYPT?????
*ticking noise*
K- Hey, what’s that mysterious ticking noise?
They look around
L- I found the source of the ticking! It’s a pipe bomb!
N- Doesn’t this happen in harry potter? And don’t they all blow up?
K- Yeah. That was funny. And then Voldemort did the evil laugh and started dancing.
N- I have a bad feeling about this.
Bomb- beeeeeeeep
L- Oh crap
J walks across room holing sign ‘boom’
J- Evil laugh. Cough. The end

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


So my fiend had an assignemnt where she had tio make make a teen magazine? And she made me wear pink and be in a photoshoot thing, burt now i get  to get regothed and be a movie satr, YAY!

it was not my choice i mwas forced into this

I am sitting at a computer wearing *GASP* pink.

my life is officially over. I look sooooo unlike me it is spooky.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Inam home now, yes that is cool but not cool since I have to clean my room.

Inam home now is that not cool.

Apeopel you should comment now I am feeling really bad soh well I didn't
T expect anyone to comment anyway.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

one more resulaution


okay. Okay. Kalise promises to try to be grammatical.

emphasis on the word 'try'

barbie s over.....

i live......
for awhile.
dad is being okays now..... he is in football mode they are watching the game on youtube.

going home day after tomorrow. which will be cools.

can read books again then yay

being forced into watching barbie again

barbie in a mermaid tale.........
its weird

my dad is a poo

no words needed

Friday, 23 September 2011

this is weird.

okay i am being serious and ultra serious.

anorexia an poverty and homelessness and depression and people being mean to animals and suicide  and popular people are bad yes?

 save the world from anorexia an poverty and homelessness and depression and people being mean to animals and suicide  and popular people!!!!!!

especially popular people cause if we didn't have popular people half those issues wouldn't exist.

save the world!!!!

why will no one email me? or text me? srsly guys don't ditch me!



okay now i sound like this weird stupid clingly girl who is a moaning myrtle.

that wasn't very nice turtle.

the weirdness of dads

still not watching football. dad is grumpy cause he says i 'shouldn't be on laptop all afternoon cause it is baaaaaaaaad'. dad is weird. he hates mordern stuff I mean he hates basically all mordern music. and all modern tv stuff. and his hair is longer than mine which is quite long.

excuse me dad person. i ahve been on laptop say 15 min? jeez.

bye bye draco

I am failing epicly at goals and typing. oh well. 

am watching football., but not watching it if you get wat i mean.

dumped draco yesterday. he was nice, but  when we went out to get dinner, he ordered me chicken pizza. I haven't into chicken sincd year four at primary school!!! and then he said, 'just eat it who cares?' so draco got dumped.


bored ness.


ay so right now i have no real reason for blogging apart from to stop me getting bored out of my mind.

so i am going to be strange and truthful and have boring and h so mega important reulutions cause it is something to do.

  1. Try to be nice to people.  they probably don't like having water poured on them.
  2. ber nice to parentals then they will be nice!! try not to scream at them so much......
  3. do homework more oftwn cause you should and then teachers won't scream at you and make you write essays on rights and responsiblities (mental note: they won't like it when you say that they are a poohead)
  4. try to be a not so evil sister 
  5. stop throwing zane's bag in the bin even if he does say awful stuff
  6. stop gettig kickd out of the library. YOU ARE A NERD PERSON YOU DO NOT GET KICKED OUT OF LIBRARIES, OKAY?
  7. read better books. pervertednesss is bad, okay?
  8. become smart genius
  9. get friends so will not have to whine about the lameness of the planet on here
  10. get revenge on B1 B2 BTB TSHAB and the rest of the PG but not being too evil
  11. finish the stupid story and type it up nd get it publishrx before you die
  12. survive 

that is good goals yes?


ay so right now i have no real reason for blogging apart from to stop me getting bored out of my mind.

so i am going to be strange and truthful and have boring and h so mega important reulutions cause it is something to do.

  1. Try to be nice to people.  they probably don't like having water poured on them.
  2. ber nice to parentals then they will be nice!! try not to scream at them so much......
  3. do homework more oftwn cause you should and then teachers won't scream at you and make you write essays on rights and responsiblities (mental note: they won't like it when you say that they are a poohead)
  4. try to be a not so evil sister 
  5. stop throwing zane's bag in the bin even if he does say awful stuff
  6. stop gettig kickd out of the library. YOU ARE A NERD PERSON YOU DO NOT GET KICKED OUT OF LIBRARIES, OKAY?
  7. read better books. pervertednesss is bad, okay?
  8. become smart genius
  9. get friends so will not have to whine about the lameness of the planet on here
  10. get revenge on B1 B2 BTB TSHAB and the rest of the PG but not being too evil
  11. finish the stupid story and type it up nd get it publishrx before you die
  12. survive 

that is good goals yes?


i am updating thias way too much and for no reason since no one even reads this thing.

be nice.

save me from the lameness of the world!!!

i tried to get my dad to change the channel on the tv cause i would rather watch icarly than barbie, and he was like 'no way they wear too much makeup!!!'


Jeez people someone say something i am so bored am watching barbeie movies

do not comment on above statement if you were going to say something about barbie.

this is school holidays people!!!!!

it is meant to be fun!!!!
\all i have done is walk to the MCG, get my ankle busted agian, eat chocoatle and liquorice allsorts, write stories, talk to my evil siblings, wathc barbiw movies and cartoons.

this is lame.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Observe the evil assignement. Its for scince if you cant tell.

1.                   Explain the Energy transformations taking place in this device (start with nuclear power energy in the sun). You are required to justify each choice of energy transformations in 1-2 sentences by explaining the process that is taking place. Extra marks will be awarded for devices which undergo a larger number of energy transformations. 8 marks.
2.                   State the efficiency of the device and how it is worked out. 3 marks.
3.                   Describe the process of manufacture for this device. 3 marks.
4.                   Outline the discovery and/or development of this device. 2 marks.
5.                   Explain how a similar task was carried out before this device was invented. To do this, you need to work out the purpose of the device and find out how this purpose was achieved previously. It might be very different to the way your device works. 2 marks.
6.                   Include a reference list (you will need multiple sources). References downloaded from the internet need to include a date on which the information was accessed. 2 marks.

Hey non exsistant readery peoples!!!!

Anyways, so i have another assignment. that was due tuesday, and in case you don't know what day it is, IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!

If anyone wants to be nice, and help , that would be appreciable..... appreciatable..... whatever......

Friday, 2 September 2011


Am meant to be going to fancy party for little brother’s friend’s mum  in less than two hours. The theme is 1960’s and i have nothing like that!!!!!!!